Rocky All-State Musicians Recognized for Achievements

All-State Musicians were recognized by the Board of Education at their Tuesday, January 14 meeting for their achievements. 

Eight students were selected for the 2020 ILMEA All-State Music Festival. The music festival be will be held from January 29 - February 1 in Peoria. 

Congratulations to the following students who have been selected for the 2020 ILMEA All-State Music Festival!

- Joseph Brune (10) All-State Chorus Tenor II
- Siobhan Dunn (12) All-State Chorus Alto II
- Eh Lar Say (12) All-State Chorus Soprano II
- Katherine Shewell (12) Honors Chorus Alto I
- DeMario Rankin (11) All-State Vocal Jazz Tenor

- Nick Alt (12) Jazz Band Trombone
- Larissa Pothoven (12) Band Flute
- Chloe Shomo (10) Orchestra Bb Clarinet

All-State Musicians
L to R: Chole Shomo, Larissa Pothoven, Siobhan Dunn, Joeseph Brune, Nick Alt. 