RIMSD #41 completes several summer facility upgrade projects across district

While students were enjoying summer break, a lot of work was being done in preparation for the 2024-25 school year. More than $13 million worth of facilities improvement projects were completed at several facilities across our district.

Those projects include HVAC replacement at Earl Hanson, Eugene Field, and Ridgewood Elementary Schools as well as gym repairs and fire alarm replacement at Frances Willard Elementary School. A new parking lot at Washington Jr. High School was also opened.
Washington Jr. High new parking lot
Washington Jr. High's new parking lot
Rock Island High School saw stadium and auditorium repairs, plumbing replacement, and complete renovations for main bathrooms on 3 different levels.
new restrooms
New restrooms at Rocky
Crews were busy with much-needed repairs at RI Public Schools Stadium
RI Public Schools Stadium
RIHS repairs
The upstairs foyer at the RIHS auditorium saw remodeled plaster walls and painting done over the summer. New windows and new light fixtures will be installed over fall break. 
These projects are funded through the district’s Capital Project Funds, ARP/ESSER Funds, and Operations and Maintenance Funds.

The district is also currently in the process of creating a Facilities Management Plan. The district has held a series of in-person and online forums to gather feedback from the community about the improvements they want to see. Hundreds of people participated.
What's Next for the Plan?
Month Action
Phase I
May - June 2024
1. Legat Architects Facilities Architects Facilities Assessments
2. Community meetings (4 onsite, 4 virtual)
3. FMP Survey launched
4. FMP Steering Committee selected
5. FMP Steering Committee sets goals and meeting schedule
Phase II
August - December 2024
1. Educational use and demography study begins
2. District-wide townhall(s)
3. Virtual townhalls
4. BOE and FMP Steering Committee site visits
5. Funding exploration/discussions
Phase III
December 2024 - January 2025
1. Prioritization meetings
2. Report and presentation preparation
3. Facilities Management and Boundary Plan BOE approval
4. Facilities Management Plan Presentations (all schools and community events)
Phase IV
February - June 2025
1. Funding decisions finalized and Facilities Management Plan execution begins