Superintendent's Letter to the Community: November 6, 2024

Dear RIMSD 41 School Community,

Now that this year’s election has come and gone, I want to address a matter of great importance  during this time. Our Rock Island-Milan school community is diverse, with a wide range of opinions  and beliefs. It is essential that we maintain an environment of respect and understanding as we  navigate this post-electoral season.

Elections can bring heightened emotions, and while we encourage civic engagement, we also  emphasize the importance of keeping our school community focused on our shared mission:  providing a safe and nurturing environment for all scholars. I ask that we all be mindful of our words  and actions, particularly when discussing political matters in school settings or at school-sponsored  events.

To that end, we will continue to uphold our commitment to neutrality in the classroom, ensuring that  our scholars can engage in healthy discussions without feeling pressured or marginalized. I  encourage families to talk about the election at home, fostering respectful dialogue that promotes  critical thinking and understanding.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to creating a positive and inclusive  environment for our scholars. Together, we can ensure that our community remains united,  regardless of differing opinions.


Sharon Williams, Ed. D.

