Eugene Field Elementary » Eugene Field Elementary

Eugene Field Elementary

Eugene Field Elementary offers a wide variety of academic programs for our students ranging from extra support to enrichment opportunities, designed to maximize each student’s individual potential.
Eugene Field is a proud Leader in Me Lighthouse School. The Leader in Me is based on Stephen Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Successful People, but tailored to meet the needs of elementary schools.  All of us at Eugene Field, adults and children alike, work to internalize and demonstrate the Seven Habits and we use them as the basis for all of our relationships both inside and outside of our school.  All students at Eugene Field have leadership roles and leadership responsibilities. 
Parent Involvement and Opportunities
The Eugene Field Parent-Teacher Organization is a very active group that works together to help our school, teachers, and students create a family environment for all. We do fundraising to help purchase or provide things for Eugene Field. Students and families are offered a variety of activities through the PTO to bring families together such as Fall Frolic, Party on the Lawn, School Dance, Grandparents Day, Pastries with Parents, and Skating Parties.
Parents/Family members are welcome to volunteer or help with these events as well as other things that go on in the school such as Scholastic Book Fairs, Holiday Shop, or Field Day.
Eugene Field Elementary
2900 31st Avenue,
Rock Island, IL 61201
309-793-5936 (fax)
Principal: Mr. Andy Campbell
Assistant Principal: Mr. Chad Davis
Daily Schedule
Start: 8:25 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:00 p.m.
Half Day Dismissal: 11:45 a.m.
There are no Early Out Wednesdays at Eugene Field. Dismissal time on Wednesday is 3:00 p.m. 
Please read the letter below about transfer requests for Eugene Field for the 2024-2025.