Meet our SRO

Officer Danhof, RIHS School Resource Officer
Meet Rock Island High School's new School Resource Officer (SRO), Officer Danhoff. On Nov. 14 the Board of Education approved the hiring of a SRO. The SRO will work closely with RIMSD's District Safety Manager.
A little info about Officer Danhof.
My name is Thomas Danhof. I was born and raised in Sparland, IL where I graduated from Midland High School. I hold a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from Kaplan University. I have been with the City Rock of Rock Island since 2020 and have been a police officer in the State of Illinois since 2012. I applied to be the SRO for the RIMSD to better connect with the community. I am looking forward to building a strong and trusting relationship with students and staff. My goal for this position is to help the outstanding staff of RIMSD to create an even better and safer learning experience for students.
School Resource Officer Responsibilities
- Promote a positive, mutually respective relationship and enhance communications between police officers, students, staff, and parents at the School District.
- Be available to students, staff, parents, and school community organizations as a resource.
- Interact with students as a positive role model.
- Collaborate on a regular basis with administrators, keeping clear lines of communications with designees identified by the Principal on a daily basis. This shall include, but not be limited to, apprising the Principal and School District Administrators of criminal and non-criminal situations encountered, current crime trends, problem areas, or other areas of concern which have potential for disruption in the school or within the community.
- Collaborate with Student Services personnel to identify behaviorally at-risk students, establish a working relationship with such students, and develop interventions to prevent delinquent behavior. This includes troubled, delinquent, neglected, or abused students.
- Assist administrators in investigating and responding to student conduct in violation of building, the School District Student Handbook, and the School District behavior policies, including assisting, when requested, with inspections and searches and testifying at suspension review and expulsion hearings.
- Become familiar with the attendance area of the Rock Island High Schools in terms of delinquency patterns, trouble spots, neglect of children who are students of the school, and other related problems.
- Coordinate with School District officials in making necessary incident and situational referrals to other agencies. Any matters that concern a student’s immigration status shall be handled in a manner consistent with District procedures.
- Accompany Rock Island High School personnel on home visits, as requested.\
- Participate when requested in the School District review of safety plans and the conducting of school safety drills.
- Facilitate communication between the Rock Island Police Department and the School District, including ensuring the regular and proper collection and reporting of data regarding school-based arrests, citations, and court referrals of students, as well as other measures that may assist Rock Island and District in evaluating the performance of the School Resource Officer and the success, fairness, and effectiveness of the Program.
- Playing a role in lockdown, searches, evacuation and other drills.
- Providing crowd supervision when present at extracurricular rand athletic events, including school dances, games, and other events.
- Serving as a resource from time to time for specific classroom instruction, including such things as gang education, substance abuse prevention, applicable laws, the rights of citizens interacting with police, the consequences of arrests, and related matters.
- Maintain familiarity with the School District Code of Conduct.
- Attend disciplinary meetings with students and parents only upon request by School District administration.
- Serve as consultant to the School District in matters of crime prevention, law enforcement, community youth services, and other related matters.
- Develop and maintain familiarity with community delinquency patterns, trouble spots, and other community problems.
- Assist in preventing truancy, in processing truancy cases, and in making home visits when requested.
- Assist in the supervision of extra-curricular activities, as requested.
Security Responsibilities
- Maintain a high level of visibility during school entrance and dismissal times as well as during passing periods.
- Assist with supervision of co-curricular school activities both at home and away, as requested.
- Meet with administrators to advise them of potentially violent situations and to plan for the safe resolution of those situations.
- Follow building and School District behavior policies and refer all matters of school discipline to the proper administrator.
- Provide protection to students, staff, and the school from theft, vandalism, assault, and other violations of the law.
- Assist staff in the event of an emergency.
- Supervise parking lots and automobile traffic near the school and prevent loitering and trespassing on school property when requested to do so.
- Check for unauthorized persons in and around School District premises and assist School District officials in handling incidents involving persons trespassing and committing criminal acts on School District Property.