Health / Nurse

The school district deadline to turn in complete physicals and immunization records to your child’s school is October 15, 2025. State Law mandates that if the medical requirements are not met, your child could be excluded from school.
If you have any questions, please contact your school nurse. 
SchoolHealthLink in Moline (3602 Avenue of the Cities, Moline) offers school physicals and immunizations to families. Any questions please call SchoolHealthLink at 309-743-1470 or 309-743-1471. 
The health and safety of RIMSD #41 students is a top priority. The Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) recommends that the best way to protect against spreading cold and flu is by taking the same everyday precautions against getting sick in general:
  • Washing your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoiding close contact with people who are sick.
  • Staying home when you are sick.
  • Covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched objects and surfaces.
IF parents have any questions about any symptoms their child is showing (sore throat, cough, breathing difficulty), PLEASE CONTACT A DOCTOR. 
If a child has a fever and the other symptoms, they need to be kept at home until they have gone 24 hours without a fever. Children should come to school as long as they are fever free.
School Physicals

The School Code of Illinois requires that all kindergarten, sixth and ninth-grade students, and all other students new to RIMSD #41, present proof of a current physical examination and required immunizations. If the student was in a prior school program where grade levels were not assigned, physical examinations shall be completed prior to the date of entering school and within one year of the ages 5, 10 and 15. A licensed physician must administer physicals.
If parents have any questions, please contact your child’s school or call 309-793-5900 x10222.

Other requirements:
  • Physical Exam: Children entering Kindergarten, 6th, and 9th-grade students, and all students new to District #41, must present proof of a current physical examination and required immunizations. If the student is in a school program where grade levels are not assigned, physical examinations shall be completed prior to the date of entering school and within one year of the ages 5, 10, and 15 years. 
  • Lead Screening: All children entering Preschool or Kindergarten, for the first time, must show proof of having a lead screening.
  • Dental Exam: Children entering Kindergarten, 2nd, 6th, and 9th grades are required to have an oral health examination. The examination must be performed and signed by a licensed Dentist.
  • Eye Exam: Children entering Kindergarten, and any children enrolling in District #41 for the first time, must have a current eye examination. Proof of exam must be presented to the school before October 15th of the school year.  Exams must be performed by a licensed Ophthalmologist or Optometrist.
  • Hepatitis B: Children entering ANY grade, Preschool through 12th, must show proof of having received three (3) doses.
  • Varicella: Children entering Preschool must have received one (1) dose, and any children entering Kindergarten through 12th grades must show proof of having received two (2) doses (or provide a confirmed past history of the chicken pox disease).
  • DTaP: Children entering Preschool must have received three (3) doses, and children entering Kindergarten through 12th grades must show proof of receiving four (4) doses.
  • Tdap: Children entering 6th through 12th grades must show proof of receiving one (1) dose.
  • Polio: Children entering Preschool must have received three (3) doses, and children entering Kindergarten through 12th grades must show proof of receiving four (4) doses.
  • MMR: Children entering Preschool must have received one (1) dose, and children entering Kindergarten through 12th grades must show proof of receiving two (2) doses.
  • Menactra/MCV4: Children entering 6th through 11th grades must show proof of receiving one (1) dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV4). Children in 12th grade must show proof of receiving two (2) doses.  Note: Unless the first dose was administered after age 16, in which case only one (1) dose would be required for 12th grade entrance.
  • Hib: Children entering Preschool must show proof of receiving at least one (1) dose.
  • Pneumococcal: Children entering Preschool must show proof of receiving at least one (1) dose.
  • Proof of Birth: A Birth Certificate must be presented at the time of registration for Kindergarten and for all students new to District #41. ALL students must have proof of birth verification on file with the school.


The following is a list of Community agencies that are available to provide physicals and immunizations:

  • School Health Link Inc. 3602 Avenue of the Cities, Moline, IL, 309-743-1470 or 309-743-1471.

  • Rock Island County Health Department 2112 25th Ave. Rock Island, IL 61201 309-793-1955 ext. 295

  • Community Health Care 2750 11th St. Rock Island, IL 563-327-2100

The following is a list of agencies that provide dental services:

  • Community Health Care 2750 11th St. Rock Island, IL 563-336-3000

The following is a list of vision care providers:

  • Rock Island Optometric 2501 24th St. Rock Island, IL 309-788-0604

  • Bard Optical 4032 Blackhawk Rd. Rock Island, IL 309-786-9734

  • Wal-Mart Vision Center 3930 44th Ave. Dr., Moline, IL 309-736-2280

Parent should bring copies of the physical examination, immunizations, dental examination, eye examination and birth certificate to registration.

Effective 10-16-2015 all religious objections to immunizations must be filed using the ILLINOIS CERTIFICATE OF RELIGIOUS EXEMPTION TO REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS AND/OR EXAMINATIONS form. No other type of documentation will be accepted.