Longfellow Elementary » Longfellow Liberal Arts

Longfellow Liberal Arts

Longfellow Liberal Arts, a K-6 elementary school offers a wide variety of academic programs for our students from support to enrichment opportunities, designed to maximize each student’s individual potential. 
Longfellow is “A safe place where everyone can learn and grow.”  This compelling message is the basis for all directions and activities to align to meet our targeted outcome.  Longfellow also has a unique partnership with Augustana College. 
We call our community the “Longfellow Family” because we want our school family to be an extension of your family. We want to serve you in times of joy, happiness, and triumph, but also in times of challenge, grief, and struggle. Academic learning and growth are our bottom line, yet we also understand that educating students means being attentive to the “whole child” and caring about their social and emotional well-being.
Longfellow Liberal Arts
4198 7th Avenue
Rock Island, IL 61201
309-793-5977 (fax)
Principal: Mrs. Sarah Leonard
Daily Schedule
Start: 8:30 a.m.
Dismissal: 3:00 p.m.
Wednesday Dismissal: 2:10 p.m.
Half Day Dismissal: 11:45 a.m.