School Safety & Parent Notification
Safety is our top priority in the Rock Island-Milan School District! Please review our safety guidelines and procedures so we all can keep our students and staff safe.
Parents & School Safety
The district has a comprehensive crisis plan developed in cooperation with Rock Island/Milan police and local emergency management agencies. The plan is reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
Our schools also have well-established security measures for the safety of students and staff including visitor check-in procedures, locked doors after the start of the school day, and surveillance cameras.
How can parents help with school safety?
- Parents should keep their contact information up-to-date in Remind, our messaging app system.
- Encourage and support school safety, violence prevention, and emergency preparedness programs within the schools
- Provide the school with information concerning emergency situations
- Practice emergency preparedness in the home to reinforce school training and ensure family safety
In an Emergency
How can parents and guardians be assured they receive information in an emergency?
Parents should keep their contact information up-to-date in Skyward, our student information system. In the case of an emergency, a phone message, and text message will be sent to parents and guardians. If the school has a non-emergency situation that we believe parents should be informed about, the school will send parents a text message notification.
How and when will I be notified if there is an emergency at my child’s school?
The means and immediacy of communication will depend on the type of the event and on the potential or actual impact to the safety of the students. While it’s difficult to describe all possible scenarios, the following can be used as a guide to gauge the district’s level of notification and systems used to communicate with families: